by Aperion Audio
If you've been keeping up with Aperion Audio you know that we launched our new Verus speaker line late last year. So far the response has been overwhelming, with respected audio authorities like Audioholics giving the Verus line great reviews. Not only that, but the orders have exceeded our projections to such a degree that it has been difficult for us to keep them in stock.
But do not fear, help is on the way! Yesterday we received a massive order and are now fully in stock for the cherry finish. While all the black finish Verus Grand speakers went out the door, another order will be arriving in just a couple of weeks at the beginning of July. Once that arrives it should be smooth sailing with no more prolonged stock outages.
So let us take this opportunity to thank everyone who placed orders and were patient while we waited for their Verus Grands to arrive. We greatly appreciate it!
If you are still on the fence feel free to give us a call at 888-880-8992 or e-mail us at [email protected] to talk things over. Thanks and happy listening!
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